Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Day 1 in Cloth - Tuesday

Day 1:
Yesterday, we used a total of three cloth diapers in the afternoon and two disposables. The first cloth diaper did not do so well. I used two cloth diapers, I figured it would be twice as absorbent, right? Wrong. The extra cloth made the diaper hard to pin and gaping, and ended up leaking all over D after two hours. I was pretty discouraged. The second one went better. He wore it for a little over an hour, until Mikel got home, and I changed him just so I could show Mikel how it was done. He was wet too, so it was time to change him. On the second diaper, I just used one and pinned it tighter, so it worked much better with no leaking. I used one disposable while washing the new pre-folds I purchased, and one at night.

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