Sunday, June 29, 2008

Rice Rice Bo Bice...hey wasn't he on American Idol?


At least my bib is stylish.

Rice smile!

Go ahead punk, make me eat rice cereal!

Num num, this spoon is good. Oh yeah, and the rice cereal is ok too.

So Saturday was the big day. The official day - Rice Cereal Day. Yes, we've graduated to baby food. And yes, I've gone all Mary Lynn Jr. and I am making the baby food instead of buying it, for now. I cooked the long grain whole wheat rice, pureed it in a food processor, and froze it in little cubes. Now when time to eat, we take two cubes, defrost and puree with a little breast milk for rice cereal yummies.

Then, we actually tried some. And...well, it didn't actually go down. He just sat there with it in his mouth and a look on his face like, I've got something foreign in my mouth. Kind of like when we discover a hair in our mouth look. Needless to say the first three tries resulted in more on the bib than actually stayed in the mouth. Tonight, he discovered the chewing on the spoon is super fun and this resulted in actual swallowing. Yay! We'll try a little at each feeding, about three times a day, after we've had a nursie and see how that goes.

Happy Birthday Stella!

Princess Stella turned one on Thursday and Saturday was the big shin dig. Lindsey did a great job with the decorations and we had lots of fun - even though D was super fussy. Gracie got to hold him and I felt really bad that he was all fussy pants for her. But he eventually quieted down - to the point of passing out and just sleeping. And now my kid smells like a girl. For some reason, he absorbs people's perfume or cologne. But at least he smells good! After a bath, he's starting to smell like a baby again, but I need to ask Gracie what perfume she wears. I like it :)

Anyways, it was fun and even the rain held off - must have been the fork in the glass! ha ha! We left after the pinata and before the cake, but we had to get D in bed before a fit ensued. That night he woke up 4 times - every two hours - like he was a newborn again. Something's gotta be going on with his teeth. Just gotta be. We are praying for a calm night tonight. We (D and I, not my lovely husband who slept through it all) both took a 2 hour nap this afternoon and he went to bed a little later than usual, so here's hoping.


Melissa on the left, Tricia in the middle and the bassist on the end. The drummer was to Melissa's right and the guitarist was on the stairs to the bassist's left. Needless to say, not a whole lot of room.

Last week, Superchick came to town to promote the release of their new album, Rock What You Got, at Skia, the local Christian bookstore by Brad's Castle Bay Car Wash. I didn't know that Tricia and Melissa Brock, the "chicks" in Superchick, were from Bentonville or at least this area. That's what the bassist said. Or I think he said...There were a lot of people in there and kinda noisy. Anyways, I strapped little man on and braved the crowd. It was HOT in there and we got all sweaty and only stayed for 45 minutes, but we got to hear our favorite songs, Pure and We Live.

Friday, June 27, 2008

6 months update

My little monster had his appointment today and here is where we are at:

19.5 pounds (just shy of my prediction of 20 pounds) - right on the cusp of the 75th/90th percentile
28 inches long - 90th percentile

Our regular doctor is in Africa, so we saw Dr. Cadle. Dr. Cadle is really nice and is the doctor who basically saved Jordan's life by being the first to realize she had e-coli when she was 2 or 3 years old. She prescribed more tummy time (yuckies), but said it wasn't uncommon for babies to hate it like he does. She thinks she found his hiding testicle, so that's good. He babbled a lot for her and she said that everything else looked really good!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Birthday Shout Outs

Big Birthday Shout Outs to....

My little man - he is 6 months old today!

Stella Wella - the big number 1! I remember visiting Stella and Lindsey in the hospital after she was born. My how the year has gone so quickly by...

Evan Adams - he is also 6 months old today! Birthday buddies with Dunning!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Man it's great to stay at home and watch random '90s movies. Yesterday it was a two-fer with Encino Man in the morning and Princess Bride in the afternoon. I DVR'd Princess Bride and am saving it for tonight after little man goes to bed. So today, I am posting my reasons why I love Encino Man...

  • What other movie uses Right Said Fred's "I'm Too Sexy" in such a poignant context? Admit it, you really want to get up and "shake your litte tush on the catwalk" when that comes on.

  • It is the first and last movie that Pauly Shore did before his annoying phase, which still hasn't come to an end. (Minor exception with Tank Girl, I actually liked that movie...WHY? I don't know. Don't even go there with Biodome.)

  • It has Sean Astin pre-fat-hobbit-days.

  • Brendan Fraser, enough said.

  • I think the kid from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and Goonies is the President of the Computer Club. They really under-utilized him in this movie.

  • You know you tried to make that little weasel noise and can't (you just tried, didn't you?)

  • And you all just said "OOOOWWWW, BUD-DY!"

Tomorrow Princess Bride...

Monday, June 23, 2008

Tita's Painting

I painted Paula a picture for her bathroom because I heard her say she wanted an abstract for it. It looks blue in the picture, but it is more purple with shades of blue, pink, silver and gold - the colors of her bathroom. Dunning contributed a signature blue handprint in the left hand corner. I think he looks like he is saying - you people better leave me alone or I'm calling Child Services.

Dunning's new toy

Paula and Floyd got the boy cousins a baby basketball goal this weekend. Dunning really likes the balls and the little boy that is attached to the goal with a spring. Maybe he will have some "skills," although highly unlikely given his family's history of having a lack of said "skills." But maybe some genes from the Hill side (my dad was a basketball asst. coach and my sister played) and the height could make up for a lot - fingers crossed! Mikel is hoping he'll be a soccer "keeper" which is soccer lingo for goalie.

The Garden

Two kinds on basil on the deck garden

Lavender, yellow and orange bell pepper plants (to be transplanted to garden) and thyme - the thyme smells oh so yummy and is a great seasoning on meat of all kinds.

Citronella plant that wards off the mosqitos (as in citronella candles, those come from plant essence!) It smells so good when you take your hand and kinda "ruffle" the leaves. MMMM, lemony.

My two big squash plants and little strawberry plant (next to the lattice) that has yielded two itty bitty berries.

Squash flower and a little baby squash (lower left). Squash flowers are edible. But I'm not going to try them. :)

Slug and aphid damage on the snap peas.

One lone snap pea left - there's still hope!!

Mint on the deck garden - very good for iced tea and mojitos!

Bell pepper plant with some wind and slug damage

One (that's right just one) big huge yellow cherry tomato plant

One small roma red tomato (it started from seed - the yellow tomatoes are from plant, from Wally World)

Another bell pepper plant, with a little slug and wind damage

The onion patch - rain is not helping, they like it drier.

Greek Oregano - very good in spaghetti sauces and pizzas!

The sad sack of snap peas

The even sadder little carrots that survived the torrential down pours (they like it dry too!)

Beautiful big green bean plants

A green bean flower

So, each year I embark on a green thumb quest. First year it turned out pretty good, yielding lots of tomatoes, squash, basil, mint and even a few carrots. Year #2 didn't turn out so well, because I became pregnant and once in to the second trimester, any type of physical exertion, left me very winded. The garden ended up overgrown with cantalope and mint, and some varmint named Charlie, apparently likes to play with cantalope. I did get a few squash and tomatoes.

This year we have had lots of rain, as I have mentioned before, so my plants have been attacked by killer slugs. Who knew slugs could be so destructive? Not me. So last night, I worked it over, laying down a layer of peat moss to give it a boost, weeding, and sprinkling salt around the beams to kill the slugs. Then today it rained...Sigh. I did learn a new trick, thanks to Joey Green's Gardening Magic (courtesy of Gracie Fabulous). Use Bounce Fabric Softener sheets on your person while gardening and it repels mosquitoes. Granted, I looked ridiculous with fabric sheets hanging off my tank top and out of my pants, but I only have one bite today! And I smelt so fresh and so clean clean. For some reason, the slugs and the aphids really only attacked the snap peas, as of right now. I guess maybe because they were the first plants to be planted in the garden. They grow good in cool weather, so I planted them in March. I may try them again in the fall.

I won't get a whole lot of produce out of it, but it's a fun hobby. I do plan on making some baby food out of the green beans and squash that I get out of it. And carrots too, depending on how many and the quality it yields. I will do a winter garden starting in the fall with more carrots (they like cold weather too), cabbage, lettuce and other leafy greens that are winter hardy. We'll see how well they hold up to an Arkansas winter. Might do ok if we don't get any ice and if I can find some straw to insulate the ground.

Terrible Tummy Time

Starting off good - playing with a ball
Trying to eat the ball....

Hmmm, deciding to discontinue use of hands

Look Ma! I eat the ball - no hands!

I give up...
I saw a Gymboree commercial where they were using these balls for tummy time. Since I still had one that I bought to work out on, i.e., it's in new condition, I thought I would give it a try. He tried to eat it too.
My baby will never crawl! Ok, so never might be a strong word, but it seems that way. He absolutely hates tummy time and screams bloody murder when you make him do it (this is also the reason why he has been waking up so much at night. He rolls over and hasn't figured out how to roll back and since his gums hurt, he doesn't use his hands. They are preoccupied with his mouth.) As a new mom, I just figured my kid would just hit each developmental milestone with ease. But as they say, each baby is different. Here are a few pics of the struggle.

A Case of the Lazys

I like to help type on the laptop!

I eat your head!


Mommy's tired....Shhh, let's take a nap.

Sunday, after church, we were pretty lazy. Dunning had a bad weekend with the invisible teeth that are supposedly trying to make an appearance and woke us up several times on Friday and Saturday night. So we laid around on the floor, and played with daddy.

Family Get Together

The guys talking about storm chasing (Kevin and Brian's "hobby")

Great Aunt Peggy, Floyd and Melvin

Paula's sister Peggy and Paula

Pretty girl Kelsey and Great Aunt Margaret

All the men folk - Jim, Floyd, Lloyd, Brian, Elmer, Mikel and Kevin

Kelsey, pooped out in Grandpa's arms

This weekend we had a Hancock family get together at Jim and Bridget's as a sort of late Father's Day celebration. We planned it several weeks ago and several people ended up coming. Of course there was Jim, Bridget, Paula, Floyd, me and Mikel, plus kiddos, Carson, Kelsey and Dunning. Floyd's brother Lloyd came, and his wife Margaret and two boys, Kevin and Brian. Floyd and Lloyd's dad Elmer and his wife Rose came. Paula's aunt and sister, both Peggy, and sister Peggy's husband Melvin came too! I think that was everyone! It was a house full, but a good time. Dunning ended up taking a two and a half hour nap in Carson's crib, so he kinda missed most of it...