Saturday, December 27, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday!

Happy Birthday to my little man!! I know this is belated, but I got very frustrated with Blogger and it's inability to post pictures in anything but random, hugely spaced fashion, making editing and captioning insanely time consuming. Perhaps it is me, but I think not. Anyway, we had a great little family bday for D and I think that will be it. I was hoping to do one with extended family and friends, but that's just a little much right now. Next year! We had a lot of fun with our jungle themed party, monkey cake and pizza. In tribute to my little precious, here are 12 tidbits D and about being his mommy:
1) D thinks the Itsy Bitsy Spider is hilarious. I think it's the 2nd verse that has a mouse jumping out from a hole that he thinks is funny because I hide and pop out like the mouse. Hilarity ensues.
2) Dunning has big fat baby cheeks. Enough said.
3) He still lets me kiss those big fat baby cheeks.
4) He thinks the aisle markers in Wal-Mart are fascinating. Pretty much anything hanging from the ceiling is fascinating.
5) He likes the Wiggles. Well, I force him to watch the Wiggles so I can take a shower, but I'm sure someday, he'll love them.
6) He does however, love his Wiggle guitar that Nana got for him!
7) He loves his daddy very much and daddy can always get him laughing!
8) Dunning is a big time nurser. To the point that he refuses sippies because he knows they ain't the real deal. This is getting frustrating, but I am so grateful he breastfed for so long because of how good it is for him and it has been wonderful bonding time for us (except for when he sticks his finger up my nose, or pokes my eye, or pulls my hair...)
9) He is particular about where your hands are on the grocery cart. He once got mad at Mikel and started screaming in the store because he didn't like where his hands were on the cart. Mikel asked me what was wrong with him and I simply said, "move your hands." He complied and D instantly silenced. Mommy KNOWS.
10) D is going to be very independent I think. He is an explorer and doesn't play a whole lot with toys but loves to crawl from room to room, touch buttons, change channels, play with Blackberries and phones, touch this, touch that, explore explore explore.
11) D loves to ride on shoulders!
12) D loves to babble and make funny noises with his mouth. Raspberries, tongue rolling, fish faces, this kid does it all!

Love you kiddo! Here is a montage of how he has changed over the year. He has always had fat baby cheeks, hair and a beaming smile.

December 26, 2008
1 Year

November 2008
11 months

October 2008
10 months

September 2008
9 months

August 2008
8 months

July 2008
7 months

June 2008
6 months

May 2008
5 months

April 2008
4 months

March 2008
3 months

February 2008
2 months

January 2008
1 month

December 2007
Brand New!

Me, Christmas Day, anxiously awaiting the arrival of our new baby, and opening some gifts

The month before, wearing the only thing that fit me, sweats and that maternity t-shirt (see above, it makes an appearance at Christmas too!)


Sorry it has taken me a while to get pictures and and update on the blog. We've been really busy and I haven't taken the time to post.
Of course, this week was Christmas, and we had a great time with family. On December 13th, we had Christmas with my side of the family - my parents, my sister and her husband and kids, my aunt and uncle and my Meemaw and her Allen. On the 25th, Mikel's mom and dad, brother and his wife and their twins came over for Christmas. Here are a few pictures from the festivities. For some reason, the only picture I got at my family's gathering was Dunning and his fascination with the door.

Taking a ride with mommy in the wagon

Dunning and Tita

The boys play with the nativity set

Dunning trying to escape

Merry Christmas to all!
for more Christmas fun:

Sunday, December 7, 2008

My little Monster

I just could not resist this cute little outfit with matching monster hat!

His face says "caught red handed"
Today was a good message at church. Robert reminded us that one of the things that is closest to God's heart is children. Think this had something to do with his fondest of grandson Cole, but I digress. :) Our children are only little for such a short time and lately I have been thinking very selfishly about my time. I choose to spend what little time I have with my baby while he still is a baby, with a happy attitude. Besides, how could I not stare in to those blue eyes and not feel such love and joy, even if those eyes belong to a baby who won't stop screaming, or pulling my hair, or pinching my skin or biting or.....laughing at my silly dances, babbling in his own baby language, clapping his hands in utter amazement, loving his mommy....

Recent Happenings

If the refrigerator is open, Dunning is in it

Pre-haircut. Kid was sportin' a mullet and hair over his ears.

Did the best I could with a wiggle monster.

Dunning and Grandpa Elmer at Thanksgiving

Great Grandpa, you always have the most stylish hats

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Weight Loss Results Week 4

It's been just over 4 weeks and my dad has lost 11 pounds on my little fitness "program!" Way to go pops! He's even thinking about running a 5k with me and Mikel next year! So is Mikel's dad - maybe we can get all the families out there!!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Race day pics

Here we are after the race. Tita and Papa brought Dunning to the race and saw us just as we crossed the finish line. Go Team Hancock!

Mikel's big finish
My big finish (I'm in front of the lady in the sport's bra)

Just before crossing the finish line
Here are our November race day pics. We just found out that Mikel will not be going on a big long trip he had planned for December, due to budget crunch, so we'll get to do a December race too! We are still waiting to see if we made it in to the Maumelle Living magazine that tooks pics of us on race day.


Kelsey and Carson diggin' in to the cake. Carson wasn't so sure about it but Kelsey girl went for it!!

Happy birthday to you! Ready for cake!!

Everyone helping open the twins' presents.

I hope everyone had a great Turkey Day! We spent it with Mikel's side of the family - his mom and dad, brother, his wife and their twins. The twins' birthday is Saturday so we had a family birthday party for them. Yesterday was also the first day that Dunning started pulling up on EVERYTHING. Over the past few weeks, he's been pulling up on a few things here and there - his crib, drawers and steps that are close to the ground. Yesterday, he discovered that he could stand up holding on to anything.

On the Thanksgiving note, and echoing several of my friends, I am truly thankful for what God has given me and my family. Even when I feel the grass is greener on the other side, tired or frustrated, I must stop and thank Him for all He's given me - a wonderful husband who loves me endlessly; an awesome little guy who looks just like my wonderful husband; great family who only wants the best for me; a variety of friends who keep me on my toes and laughing through it all. Thank you thank you thank you!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Lookit what I can do!

May I just say that I really don't like Blogger's picture upload feature that puts my pictures in funky random places, all out of order, and extremely hard to re-arrange? Because I do.

New diaper made out of PUL (polyurethane lined) fabric. Waterproof and needs no cover. I really got to get on the ball and make 5 more of these because we have outgrown all of our crap-o Yucky Ducks, which are supposed to be PUL too, but I think they used cheap fabric or laminated it because it dissolved in the wash. This fabric is by Fabrite. Good stuff.

Dirty kid. He leaked through his Yucky Ducks and cover and the lovely ladies at the YAC - the child care facility at my gym - had to change him and his clothes. I meant to put him in a disposable but honestly thought it'd be ok for four hours. Stupid! He always wets more in the morning.

Yay chunk miester on his riding toy!

Found Dunning like this when we woke up this morning. Goodness they grow up so fast. I remember how freaked I was when he rolled over and how I thought he'd never crawl. Now the little bugger is standing up. I am glad I took the time off these past 10, almost 11, months. They don't stay little for very long.