Saturday, May 31, 2008


See the keys?

Tummy time with mommy!

Bath time with daddy!

Chuck wagon sportin' a new haircut
All tuckered out from playing

Well, sleeping until 5 a.m. was discontinued last night when Dunning woke up around 3 and then decided he was up for the day around 6. Good thing it's Saturday and daddy got baby duty while I slept in for a whole hour. After daddy burned the bacon (guess he won't be on breakfast duty anymore), we went to the Bentonville Farmer's Market and bought some snap peas. Can't wait until mine come in! Speaking of, gotta do some work in the ol' garden this weekend. I've neglected it for two whole weeks. Squash is starting to bloom and the beans are growing like crazy. The snap peas are blooming. The only thing that doesn't look like it's going to do so well are the carrots - too much rain.

Tonight we are going to go to Aunt Bridget's and Uncle Jim's to cook out and play with all the cousins.

Dunning is doing better trying to sit up. He can balance for a split second and then topples over. He thinks toes are just way cooler than sitting up and goes for them almost every time. Oh well, we'll just keep working on it like we did tummy time!

Lastly, I think the little bugger is teething. He has been chomping on his fingers, my breast (OWWWW) and his pacifier lately. I can't seem to see any buds though, so I'm not sure. I gave him a teething tablet, which are all natural, and he slept for 3 hours yesterday afternoon. I was especially appreciative since I couldn't sleep very well the night before.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Dunning slept until 5 a.m. both last night and the night before! And we have had VERY little issues with nap times. Yay! Happy baby! Happy mommy! Happy everyone!

Happy Unbirthday Lindsey!

Memorial Day Weekend

Me and Evan Adams

Suzanne Adams and Dunning (making a funny face)

Pawpaw and Dunning (naps are goooood)

Lewis Matriarch and the Lewis clan (immediate family)

Me and Suzanne and the boys

Nathan, Suzanne's husband, Mikel and the boys

This weekend, Dunning and I drove to Little Rock together. Mikel wasn't with us because of a horrible travel experience. He was in Peru, scheduled to fly back to XNA through Miami, then Dallas. First his flight was delayed several hours out of Peru (after a 4 hour car ride to the airport), so he missed his connection to Miami. The airline re-routed him to arrive in Little Rock, instead of XNA. That flight was delayed and then, at the last minute, they canceled his flight from Dallas to Little Rock. Therefore, he drove the 5 hours from Dallas to Little Rock, arriving just before midnight, having now been traveling for over 24 hours. What an ordeal!

We came to Little Rock for the Lewis family reunion. The Lewis's have been good friends of my family for over 20 years, and I grew up with their daughter, Suzanne. We are exactly 6 months apart in age and, get this, we had our sons on the EXACT SAME DAY. Wild!

We stayed with Tita and Grandpa. Monday, Dunning turned 5 months old. Yes, that's spit up on Mikel's shirt...

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thursday - the tale of the dishwasher

OK, so those of you that know me know that I am a fairly clean person. I do a chore a day, keep things picked up for the most part (just don't look at my closet), and freak out over bugs (try watching Discovery's Verminators show, it'll make you puke). So, today I was unloading my dishwasher and found a bug. I freaked out and re-washed my dishes (after killing the bug) and decided to take apart the plastic arm and cup, etc. that collect the food and particles from going "down the drain" in the dishwasher (why for, I don't know). It was really clogged with this gunky stuff - it's either the kind of detergent I'm using (eco-brand, phosphate free of course) or it's from washing water bottles (a no-no now I know because of BPA) with the labels on (DOH). So I make a trip to Allen's Grocery, buy hydrogen peroxide because my eco-friendly Green Works is not doing the job, neither is vinegar. I also buy plastic gloves because this stuff is thick and sticky. Turns out that De-Solv-It worked the best. So I proceed to put the dishwasher back together. Only I've forgotten the order the stuff goes in (it was a long ordeal). And I already know I don't have the manual (issues with dishwasher before). So I call Fridgedaire and talked to a nice lady who even got the actual parts out to assist me. She kept insisting that this one part went before another part and I kept insisting that it didn't. It was funny to hear us describe the parts - it's a cup thing with a metal screen and a beak. Or, it's a large circle with a hole in the middle and lots of little holes around it. THEN she asks - well, is your husband home? I should have replied - why yes. We both happen to be at home at 1:30 in the afternoon on a Thursday and he is bemusedly watching me disassemble a dishwasher. I just called because I was lonely.

Needless to say, I finally got the dishwasher re-assembled. Turns out she was right, I just had kinda warped one piece from scrubbing it so hard in my manic cleaning spree that I had to push a little bit harder on it to get it to go on. Oh, and my free Fridgedaire manual is in the mail...

Gotta go now, the dishwasher is making a funny sound....


Dunning, not interested in having his diaper changed, would rather play with Carson

Ow, dude! My eye!

Oooo, a camera!

Wednesday, Bridget and I took the babies on a walk. Then the cousins got to play for a little while. We were really tired because Bridget's neighborhood has a LOT of nice steep hills for us to climb. And Bridget does it with two babies!

Afterwards, I went to Hobby Lobby and got some paint and more canvases. I painted this picture for a friend from my old job who is having a baby this summer. She is from New Orleans and loves fleur de lis. Her baby's room is pink and green with polka dots and stripes. I hope she likes it!


Quack Quack!

Faker! I can always tell he is faking it when he won't put his arm down...

Ahhhh, cool grass.
On Tuesday, Dunning and I went to the park and got a blanket out to play. He fell asleep in the stroller, but I think he was just faking it! He got to lay on top of the grass and we sang songs and I got him giggling by lifting him up in the air. It was such a pretty day that morning and then got really hot that afternoon.

He has been doing a lot better sleeping at night. He was waking up around midnight. I let him cry it out one night because I don't want that to be a habit. I don't mind feeding him at night, it just needs to be between 2-4 a.m., not midnight!

The doctor told us to give him some Poly-Vi-Sol (multi-vitamin solution) for babies since he is exclusively breastfed. Apparently breastfed babies don't get Vitamin D from breastmilk. But the solution smells and must taste really bad because he spits it out. If he does swallow it, he usually throws up 5 minutes later. I believe it is the iron in it that is upsetting his stomach. I think I will discontinue and just take him outside everyday so that he gets his Vitamin D does from the sun.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

1...2...3 strikes yer out

Mikel and dad

Nice hit Caleb!

Today we went and saw Caleb play baseball. They lost :( But Caleb did get a good hit and scored! Yay! It was perfect weather and Dunning got to play with Auntie Steph and Nana and Pawpaw. Jordan and her friend Maddie played all over the place. We all went and had lunch and then went shopping - food and shopping, what more could a girl want? Oh yeah, maybe a nap...Dunning is doing a lot better at napping in the afternoon. So maybe I should be napping instead of posting. Oh well!

Pictures are here!!

The pictures that Jon and Emily took are here and they rock! Great job you guys! Go to this link to view my favs -

Dunning is so photogenic! His little blue eyes just pop! And he was so good for them during the session - so much so that I thought about asking them to come by everyday so he would be that good all the time! :)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mother's Day

My mom and Dunning

Cousins and Best Buds!

Tita and Nana with Dunning

Sunday was Mother's Day and Dunning was dedicated at church. The verse we choose was Colossians 1:9-10. Both sides of the family came to see it. Afterwards, they all came back to our house for a big family barbeque! It was great (except that Dunning refused to take his nap, again, too much going on I guess!) We hope to make it a family tradition.

Yesterday and today were pretty uneventful. We walked at the park and went shopping for clothes for Mikel, which is near impossible, given his height. He is tall enough to be in the big and tall, but not big enough! And two of the shirts I bought him are not long enough in the arms. Grrr. Guess I will be dealing with this for a while, since it appears D is going to inherit his height as well.

Robert Cupp and families at baby dedication

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Ode to an Oball (not sponsored by or endorsed by Rhino Toys Inc., although it should be and I'm open to selling ad space...)

Oh my Oball,

What can I say?

If I could, I would

Play with it all day.

It's yellow, it's green,

And in fact, it's blue.

My Oball gives

Me lots to do.

I grasp it, I clutch it and

Sometimes I lick it.

Someday I may

Even learn to kick it.

I love my Oball,

And by all means I should,

If just for the fact

That it tastes so good.


Little man is sick today with a stuffy nose and a cough. He's had some congestion for a week now and it's turned in to a cough and sore throat - I can tell because his cry sounds all raspy :( Poor baby.
Chicken wing is back with us this weekend - Lindsey had a death in her family. :((
BUT some good news - girl party this weekend with brunch and mani/pedis! V. excited. My feet look atrocious. I booked us spa pedicures so we get to sit in those vibrating chairs - v. v. good. :)) My aching back need some lovin'. After all, my child is a monstrosity. Not much else has been going on this week other than yucky weather. We got back from Ft. Smith and haven't really left the house except to go to story time today. We are also trying to stretch feedings again to 4 hours. Last time this worked very poorly, with him waking up multiple times the next night. But I think it may have been due to his congestion so we'll see if this works or not. We cheated once and let him nurse for 5 minutes to get him to take a nap. He cried for almost an hour, I tried to be comforting without picking him up but it's so hard. So I had to let him nurse for a little while to calm him down. So sue me.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Ft. Smith

Today we are in Ft. Smith visiting Nana and Pawpaw. We came down yesterday to visit my meemaw, Aunt Patti and Uncle Ronald who were here and have never seen Dunning before! They took lots of pictures of big D. Then Emily and Jon Beaty came over to take some portraits of Dunning. We did some really neat shots of him and some of him and me. I can't wait to see how they turn out. They do some great stuff. Check them out -
We took some of him with his jungle pals for his jungle themed room, some of him with his name from his wall and some of him in his UofA outfit. We also took some of him in his outfit that he is going to be dedicated in next week and me in my new dress. Then we took some artsy fartsy pics that have my head and shoulders and him in just a diaper. It's going to look awesome! Again, can't wait to see them!

Thursday, May 1, 2008


On Wednesday, we went with the Grandparents and cousins to have pictures done. We did some of Dunning, some of the twins together and by themselves, lots of the cousins together and some of the grandparents with the grandbabies. They all turned out really cute and all the babies did really good considering how young they are. Dunning looked like a big ol' cabbage patch kid with his round face and fat cheeks. After the pics, we went and had lunch on the Square and ate cheeseburgers from the Station Cafe. mmmm mmmm good. The grandparents have a new appreciation for Jim and especially Bridget in taking care of two babies at once. I got Kelsey laughing.

The Park

We went to the Park on Tuesday while Mikel was on vacation. It was a very pretty day although a bit windy. We stopped to take a few pictures on the bridge. We also took a picture of Dunning in his present from Grandma Teta. Cool dude. He also got some swimmin' trunks. Can't wait to try those out!

Flat Stanley

Monday, Jordan, my niece, and I went to see Flat Stanley at the Walton Arts Center on Monday. I won the tickets through the Bentonville Public Library. It was a lot of fun! There was a lot of singing and only 5 people in the cast. They played all the parts and did a great job. Then we went to Jose's to eat and debated the caffeine level of IBC Root Beer - Jordan insisted it was and that she would be "bouncing off the walls" when she got home. I assured her it was not. Hope she went to bed that night or I won't get to take her out again! We laughed all the way home, and made up our own joke - What kind of pants do French men wear? FRANCY PANTS!! (France was one stop on Flat Stanley's adventures). All in all, it was a great night for just us girls.