Friday, June 13, 2008

More deep thoughts by Jack Handy...I mean Lynn Hancock

This week was not exactly cracker jack. Dunning was in a bad mood these past few days and I felt in a funk too. It's not easy to make the transition from busy, fast paced, rat track to full time mom. Babies don't give you feedback - other than WAAA or GOOO. And sometimes they say WAAA just for the heck of it. Which can be maddening sometimes. The developmental stages are fun, until your child hits one and decides that's ALL he wants to do, ALL THE TIME, and your attention and presence is required 24/7 so that he can practice it - like sitting up. Babies also can't talk to you (other than the aforementioned WAAA and GOOO) so you tend to feel very isolated sometimes. I don't make friends very easy, so after a while, conversation with a baby doesn't do enough to meet my need to converse with someone over the age of 5. Strike that, I'll take conversation with a 3 year old these days. I think God is trying to pull me to Himself and is asking me to rely on Him for my emotional needs, and not other people, not even my husband. Mikel can't be expected to meet my emotional needs for he is human and will only disappoint if I rely on him to "fill that hole." Only God can do that 100%. Mikel is there in addition to, not as a sole "meet-er of needs." Even Dunning, who loves me unconditionally (if a 5 month old is capable of the emotion of love yet), only loves me because I feed, wipe, burp and change. He does not love me for my personality, sense of humor, wackiness and annoying habits. Only God loves me that unconditionally to even put up with my habit of leaving my dresser drawer out and my clothes on the floor. Which I will pick up....eventually.

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