Saturday, July 4, 2009

18 months

At the lake - I swear he crawled in to the dog's cage and closed the door himself!
And he thought it was HILARIOUS.

He likes to "sweep" the floor with his stick horse.

D likes to use his spoon with the dog on the top. When he eats with it, he'll pull it out of his mouth and yell "Woof woof!" He's using a fork to, with much better precision than the spoon.

He LOVES this sock monkey. I also got him a metal lunch box with a sock monkey on it when I was in Eureka last weekend.

My baby turned 18 months on the 26th! We went to the doctor for our check up and D weighs 24 pounds and is 32 1/2 inches long. He is saying the requisite 7-20 words, scribbling, climbing, etc etc., and doc said he looks perfect.

Here are some of the pics I've been trying to find the time to post. As for me, work is going good, if not hectic. Last week was just a strange week with some very strange calls from our members at Sam's Club. Like, for instance, did you know that the average sized Mexican mattress is about 4 inches wider than our average sized American mattress? It is and has apparently caused a big issue for one of our American members who has 60-70 American sized bunk beds being shipped to the orphanage she and her husband are building in Mexico. They cannot find a mattress in Mexico to fit their beds. Fortunately, the nice people at Serta are going to help them out because we do not sell American sized mattresses at our clubs in Mexico. Just something to note if you ever decide to move to Mexico...

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