Thursday, June 25, 2009

New post

I realize it's been exactly a month since I've posted and I promise to get some pictures up soon. I have some cute ones of D at Steph's lake house, when he locked himself in the dog's cage. He's starting to eat with a spoon and fork and I have some cute ones of that too.

Hope to also get some good ones of our visit with Suzanne (Lewis), Nathan and Evan Adams. Evan and Dunning are the exact same age - 18 months tomorrow. Suzanne and I grew up together and knew each other from day one, so we hope to get the boys acquainted even though they will probably grow up in separate states. It was so unreal that when I called to tell her I was pregnant with Dunning, she said, I was just about to call you to tell you the same thing! Then on the day I was induced, she just happened to go in to labor and have Evan! God has a funny sense of humor :)

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