Dunning and daddy just goofin' around before church on Sunday, while I was working my buns off leading three children's services.

Dunning and Oliver

Dunning reaching for Oliver's blocks. TJ in the background. Oliver has the cutest t-shirt on. It says "Silly" with a picture of a monkey on it. Gotta get one. Carter's Outlet store in Branson apparently has them.

My cloth diaper creation (sideways view)

Cloth diaper un-velcro'd. I'm a friggin' genius!!
On Wednesday, we went to our weekly lunch meeting with our mom's club. It's a lot of fun. We go and have lunch (if you want to), feed the kids, and dump all toys on the floor and let them go to town. We watch each others' kids to make sure they're not wandering off or terrorizing the other patrons. And the moms talk. I'm really glad I found them, they are a great grouop of moms and so supportive and welcoming. And I'm glad Dunning has some babies to play with. Most of them are older, but they like to come and sit with him and it gives him the opportunity to be around other babies and socialize. He likes to reach out to touch them and try to play with the same toys. If they have a toy, he wants it. Guess that's an omen of what's to come.
I started the process of sewing the velcro on Dunning's diapers and the results have been very good so far. They work so much better than the pins and so much more convenient too.
This whole experience thus far has made me really greatful for our moms and grandmothers and aunts etc., who did not have conveniences like we do - things like disposable diapers and driers. And sewing is HARD! A lot of them sewed their own clothes! My mom made a lot of cute dresses for me and my sister and I know that was not easy. So props to you mom and all the other mothers out there who had it a lot harder than we do today!
As your agent, I highly advise you to patent this velcro idea thing NOW!
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