Whenever I leave Mikel at home with Dunning, I always find fascinating pictures on my camera later on. WHAT prompted this balancing act, I don't know.

Dunning loves to stand and we've been trying out some different ways to get him to stand on his own, safely, so he can learn how to do it without us holding him up.

Mmmmm, yogurty. Gives new meaning to "milk mustache."

My bath time superheroes.
This weekend was a lot of hard work for the Hancock family. A couple of mom's from my mom's club had a garage sale at my house this weekend and the work started on Thursday night and didn't end until Saturday night. We had 4 moms in total, lots of good clothes, baby toys and clothes and other random stuff, including a ceiling fan and a separate light fixture. There were several other garage sales in the area and we thought, man, this is going to be a great sale! Boy were we wrong. We had a total of 10 people come by (or so it seemed) and made $100 between the four of us. I think I ended up making almost $35. I had set up tables, spent a few weeks putting together piles of stuff I could sell, I priced, I made signs, I drove around and posted the signs, I drove BACK around and fixed the signs, and sat for a total of 10 hours in the humid, hazy, sticky heat that passes for summer - all for a measly $35. As Gracie mentioned, it's strange as to what people will and won't buy. They'll buy all of the baby colored socks, but not the white ones. They'll buy a Banana Republic top with Old Navy yoga pants that are WAY too small for you lady. One guy bought my Pier One wine decanter, but passed up the Mr. Beer Micro-Brewery (and trust me, he was no stranger to beer), stating that maybe it was time he quit drinking beer. My ever clever husband then remarked, "But not wine, right?"
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