So after Bridget's party on Friday, we just hung out with my parentals over the weekend. We went shopping and I got a killer deal on these two t-shirts - uber-clearance for $1.97 each! Nothin' says fun lovin' than a self-righteous, organic cotton, recycled polyester t-shirt!

We discovered that Dunning loves drinking out of straws.

Sunday, hanging out with dad before church. Xbox is not for babies Mikel!
Attention grandparents. My child needs jammies. All we have is long sleeved and he needs some jammies pants. Preferrably footie jammies. Thought: why is it that when you have a baby, your vocabulary is automatically re-programmed to insert the suffix "-ie" on the end of every word??
My handsome fellas.
Yes, I know he is cute, but these are 12-18 months and way big on him. But oh so adorable. They have little razorbacks and "Arkansas" all over them. They were a gift from my hairdresser!
I contructed my clothesline on Sunday night and hung out the cloth diapers to dry. A breastfed baby's poop is notoriously orange and stains everything, so if you hang them out in the sun, the sun will bleach it out. As some of you have asked, what is a yucky duck (in so many words)? The blue diaper and the white diaper two diapers down on the left from the blue one are yucky ducks brand cloth diapers. I thought they were all in ones and apparently they are the "pocket" style. My friend who uses pocket style cloth diapers gave me tips on how to use them so they don't leak, so we're going to give them another try. We are going to be washing diapers a lot, so hopefully the clothes line will help reduce electricity from them having to dry them all in the drier. Plus, it keeps the velcro on them all from sticking together and tearing the cloth. Mikel is not too thrilled about my construction as we have put our house up for sale and said "Our realtor is going to kill you." :) Bring it.
As long as you take the diapers off the line before you show your house and throw them in the drier (the drier not on just throw them in there) then you should be okay. Now if you leave them like that on the line any REALTOR will kill you :)unless you dont want to sell your house then leave them on there (hee hee)
your realtor does know you have a baby right? even I know babies excrete things that aren't yes, if she's showing the house, it might be better to remove them, OR hey, might as well let the potential buyers know that they ARE moving to Arkansas - don't wear shoes for effect!
or shall I say shoesies? ugh! there unfortunately is not a semicolon exclamation point face character that depicts over exaggerated eye rolling! ugh for emphasis!
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