So, as you have all heard or experienced, our area has received one of the worst ice storms that anyone can remember (or at least that is what everyone on the news says). We got something like 3 inches of ice starting on Monday afternoon and continuing all day non-stop Tuesday, followed by snow early Wednesday morning. Our power went out Tuesday morning, so we left the house and headed over to my sister's. We live in a more rural area, and it usually takes a day to restore power at the very least. We went ahead and spent the night so we wouldn't be stuck in our house if the power went out in the middle of the night. We finally made it home this afternoon after the sun came out and melted the mess enough for the truck to get us home. D has been super fussy today with some teeth that seem like they'll never come in plus he woke up at 4 a.m. ready to play.
We had fun at Steph's - playing with the kids and cooking dinner and breakfast together, but it was good to be home. Fortunately, the power was on, although it appeared to have gone off again sometime early this morning. Here's hoping it lasts through the night. :)
I'm pretty exhausted since I have been chasing D around all day to keep him from sticking a finger in a light socket, and of course the most amusing thing at Steph's were her stairs, and he had to go up and down and up and down them constantly. So tonight's dinner is wine, hummus and yogurt! Mikel is off in Colorado skiing with some guys from church, so I don't have to cook. I am hoping the gym is open tomorrow because I really need to work off all the snickerdoodle cookies I ate at Steph's.
Hope you are all safe and warm! It's so cold outside, even Charlie could only stay out there for an hour before begging to come in!
I bet CHARLIE loved the snow!! Did you take him to Stephanies with you?
Dunning is getting SOO big. We've missed seeing you guys. Only 1 more month and I am a full time SAHM again. CAN'T WAIT. Hope to see ya'll soon.
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