Yesterday was D's 12 months checkup with Dr. Foster. He was really fussy and not at all happy to be there because he was sleepy! We had a good streak of 3 weeks sleeping through the night and then Christmas and the birthday ruined that! He has some teeth trying to break through too, so that probably doesn't help, but I sure wish they would hurry it up because I got used to that sleep and I want it back!
His stats:
Head: 19 inches
Length: 30.5 "
Weight: 20 lbs 14 oz
The doc was a little concerned that his weight has gone DOWN four ounces from his 9 months checkup. This dropped him to the 25th percentile for his age and height. We dicussed it and we think it's a combo of the two double ear infections, his increased mobility and my decreased weight while continuing to breastfeed. I've been trying the sippy cup with him with no real success. I am going to keep trying more often now and started eating more fatty foods to increase my milk fat content and supply until he weans. I've also gotten on some herbal supplements that are supposed to help with that too. Guess it wouldn't hurt to gain a few pounds! That'll be a fun diet! I've lost about 6 pounds past my pre-pregnancy weight - a total of 56 pounds from my peak during pregnancy.
Here is a fun picture of all the breast milk we've stored over the past 6 months. I joke with Mikel that I could probably feed a third world country with it! Apparently there is a store in Amsterdam or somewhere in the Netherlands that serves ice cream made from breast milk. There is yogurt, cheese, all sorts of dairy products made from breast milk. PETA has approached Ben and Jerry's about making a line of ice cream made from breast milk. I am a big breastfeeding advocate, but I think this is going too far! We don't have the regulations in place to ensure that the milk is safe for public consumption. Breast milk is tailor made for your baby - not for Joe or Jane Smith! Besides, there is a psychological bodily fluid ick factor to it anyway. Plus can you imagine the human rights violation possibilities? I can just vision a warehouse of under paid, over worked females hooked up to a pump! Now I love animals and my dirty dog Charlie, but I value humans more!!
Dunning loves Charlie too....
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