My girlfriend is PURRRRTY! Here we are at Mercy, visiting Jenn and Maddie. Their birthing suites are very nice!

Jenn and baby Maddie - she has the cutest little button nose, just like her mama

Not these again...This was not such a great day at the Hancock household. This was Thursday, when his screaming began at 4:00 p.m. and has not stopped, except for nap times and night times - save for the wakefulness. You can tell he's not in the best mood.
So this week was fairly uneventful. We continued training for the 5k, which is in approximately one week, had another showing for our house (and have another one tomorrow), went to the hospital to see Jenn and her new baby (Maddie, the girl we have designated as Dunning's future girlfriend and wife), had lunch with my friend Jenny and lunch with my mentor from work, Jeryl. So I guess it was fairly eventful! The biggest event of all came this morning, after Dunning had been screaming all morning long and woke up screaming from his nap. I was on the phone with my Meemaw wishing her a belated happy birthday and had to get off the phone, it was that bad. Teething tablets were not working, I stuck my finger in his mouth to see if putting a litte pressure on his gums would help - something I read somewhere. Lo and behold I felt it - his first little tooth. It has just barely broke through the gums, but you can see and feel the top ridge of his tooth. So I am anticipating some bad nights coming up as it breaks all the way through.
I am going to try to upload a video of Dunning in the bathtub. It's really funny! He is trying to reach for the drain and gets all excited and starts rocking back and forth on his butt like he normally does when something gets him all twitter paited (that's Southern for excited). The bathtub is slippery of course and the rocking propels him forward. It's cute.
We tried mashed nanners again, and didn't quite get any in our mouths, but I think he's warming up to the idea of finger foods. He played with them alot and I put some in his mouth to equate what he was playing with to food. Doubt it made that much of an impression, but every little bit can help I guess! Then I noticed something. My kid has enormous hands! Hmmm. Wonder if I am breeding little giants.
Last, but not least, my Meemaw and her man Allen have been crowned Heber Springs Senior Citizen King and Queen of 2008! They get to ride in the Heber Springs County Fair parade and be crowned at the fair, and later, ride in the Christmas parade! Congrats Queen Margaret and King Allen!
Scoot your boot.
Mashed nanners and giant baby hands. If you listen close, you can hear my dog going psycho outside. This is his new thing. He refuses to be outside for more than 5 minutes and goes crazy scratching up the gate at the top of the stairs on our deck. It's very frustrating!
1 comment:
The joys of selling a house! The 3 minute walk through happens alot!!!
The bathtub video is hilarious I have yet to put the twins in the big tub (little bit harder to do with 2 then 1 right now at least).
Oh no he dropped a banana on the clean floor make sure you pick that up before the next showing (Hee hee)
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