A Pizza Hut, A Pizza Hut, Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Pizza Hut!

You don't have to worry about me crawling any time soon!

The Three Amigos

Jim and Kelsey

Watch out mom and dad! I'm almost there!

Rose and Elmer with Dunning and Carson

Me and Kelsey Belsey
This weekend I headed off to Steph and Brad's cabin for a girls' weekend with Steph and a few of her friends. It was my first night away from D and I was nervous, but ready to take the plunge. Dunning is breat fed and has rejected the bottle, only taking it a very few number of times. I thought surely he would take it over a period of 24 hours. Wrong. He only drank a few ounces each time Mikel offered it - 1-2 ounces at a time. So Mikel just fed him yogurt. He apparently ate one full yogurt cup in one setting. He must have been really hungry. As soon as he saw me on Saturday, he went straight for the boob and nursed for a while.
Anyway, we had a good time, eating lots of food, drinking wine and talking. Saturday morning we went to Branson and shopped during Missouri's tax free weekend. Branson the city did not participate in sales tax free, but the state did - so I guess that means we had a partial tax free shopping spree. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera. :(
Sunday, the two Hancock families went back up to Missouri to see Elmer, Mikel and Jim's grandfather, and his wife Rose. We packed all the babies in to Jim and Bridget's van and ate at Pizza Hut and then played at their house.
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