At least my bib is stylish.

Rice smile!

Go ahead punk, make me eat rice cereal!

Num num, this spoon is good. Oh yeah, and the rice cereal is ok too.
So Saturday was the big day. The official day - Rice Cereal Day. Yes, we've graduated to baby food. And yes, I've gone all Mary Lynn Jr. and I am making the baby food instead of buying it, for now. I cooked the long grain whole wheat rice, pureed it in a food processor, and froze it in little cubes. Now when time to eat, we take two cubes, defrost and puree with a little breast milk for rice cereal yummies.
Then, we actually tried some. And...well, it didn't actually go down. He just sat there with it in his mouth and a look on his face like, I've got something foreign in my mouth. Kind of like when we discover a hair in our mouth look. Needless to say the first three tries resulted in more on the bib than actually stayed in the mouth. Tonight, he discovered the chewing on the spoon is super fun and this resulted in actual swallowing. Yay! We'll try a little at each feeding, about three times a day, after we've had a nursie and see how that goes.
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