Princess Stella turned one on Thursday and Saturday was the big shin dig. Lindsey did a great job with the decorations and we had lots of fun - even though D was super fussy. Gracie got to hold him and I felt really bad that he was all fussy pants for her. But he eventually quieted down - to the point of passing out and just sleeping. And now my kid smells like a girl. For some reason, he absorbs people's perfume or cologne. But at least he smells good! After a bath, he's starting to smell like a baby again, but I need to ask Gracie what perfume she wears. I like it :)
Anyways, it was fun and even the rain held off - must have been the fork in the glass! ha ha! We left after the pinata and before the cake, but we had to get D in bed before a fit ensued. That night he woke up 4 times - every two hours - like he was a newborn again. Something's gotta be going on with his teeth. Just gotta be. We are praying for a calm night tonight. We (D and I, not my lovely husband who slept through it all) both took a 2 hour nap this afternoon and he went to bed a little later than usual, so here's hoping.
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It's Calvin Klein Euphoria
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