Hello all in blogland! This weekend was full of adventure - or at least it was supposed to be. Saturday was supposed to be my big day to go sky diving - Mikel's present to me for my birthday. It's something I've always wanted to do. My friend Shara, had her birthday on Saturday and her husband conspired with Mikel and got us a reservation to jump at the same time. However, it was waaaaaay too windy and the Sky Ranch cancelled the jump. Big time bummer since the weather was so pretty and we knew it was going to get really cold this week. But hopefully we'll be able to do it this Saturday instead.
Sunday, Mikel ran his first 1/2 marathon! He did so good - just over 2 hours. Shara also ran her first 5k! I was so proud of them and got them to pose for a picture with our new camera (because D destroyed our last one)....and the camera wouldn't work. Turns out I forgot to plug it in and charge it. Ooooops.
All weekend long, D was in a really fussy mood and wouldn't nap. So this morning I was able to get us the first appt the doctor's office had to re-check his ears. He had a double ear infection before I left for Tahoe and one week later at his 15 months, doc said they were still a little red. Sure enough, he's still got a double ear infection, so the nurse practitioner gave him an antibiotic cocktail shot in the office, another script for a nice $50 antibiotic and a referral to an ENT for tubes. Thank God! She said they would just discuss it on the first visit and may be hesitant to do it because it was the end of the cold season. We've had something like 4-5 double ear infections in 6 months. There will be no "discussion." We are getting tubes dang it!!
Garden update - so I killed all my seeds the first time around. I seem to do that every year. I start them too early, have to keep them inside for too long and fungus flies attack and kill all my seedlings. Booo. So I replanted them and so far so good. I went ahead and bought a tomato, basil and bell pepper plant from Wal-Mart garden center because I wanted to go ahead and get those started. Plus I wanted them to be patio plants so I could have enough room in the garden for my squash and cucumbers. More on that as the season progresses.
Last but not least, my friend, Danielle, found out she has grade 3 cervical cancer, which is aggressive. Danielle is around my age and has two young children - her youngest only 3 months old. Please keep her in your prayers. She has a great attitude!!
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