It was a tough course for us, me in particular. As I have said before, Mikel trains on hills. I train in the park because I push a fat monster in a jogging stroller. So, when I saw a nice big hill in front of me at the second half of the race, I knew I was in for a tough climb. I am disappointed in myself because I had to stop for a minute and walk. This was mainly because I started the race at a pretty fast pace - my adrenaline was just pumping. However, we both made really good time and shaved minutes off our first race times. I finished in 27:46 and Mikel finished in 26:08. His goal is to finish November in 24 minutes and I would like to finish in 26 minutes. November's race is at the park where I train so I am confident I can do it. Sorry, no race pics as we didn't have the camera with us - nobody there to take our pic anyways! There were some people with cameras, but I am not sure who they work for. My pic will be stupid anyways. They didn't have timing chips, so we timed ourselves and as I was coming across the finish line, I had my hand up to stop my stopwatch on my radio and accidentally pulled my earphones out. So I am going to have my arms up like a chicken with earphones flying wildly.
My parents came down this weekend and watched Dunning. He was fussy on Saturday and by Sunday, he was screaming bloody murder. I could tell he didn't feel well and had lovely snot blobs coming out his nose. I told Mikel, "something is wrong with that child." We went to the doc on Monday and turns out baby boy had a double ear infection. He is starting to feel a little better, thanks to an antibiotic, ear drops, ibuprofen alternated with tylenol and some Benadryl. Whew!

My silly guys. Dunning grabbed the shower rod when Mikel lifted him up out of the bath and Mikel wanted a "baby chin up" picture.

One of our happier moments yesterday. Baths make it all better.

Thanks to Lindsey on the medical tape tip for the ear drops.

Crazy kid.

Someone needs a haircut!

Lynn, congrats on your race! Every race is so different. Great job!
My Dad and I are running in the Chili Pepper this Saturday, so I definitely need to get running! Ha!
love these, especially the chin up! he has grown SO much since we saw him last!! very cute lil boy. :)
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