Me and Evan Adams

Suzanne Adams and Dunning (making a funny face)

Pawpaw and Dunning (naps are goooood)

Lewis Matriarch and the Lewis clan (immediate family)

Me and Suzanne and the boys

Nathan, Suzanne's husband, Mikel and the boys

This weekend, Dunning and I drove to Little Rock together. Mikel wasn't with us because of a horrible travel experience. He was in Peru, scheduled to fly back to XNA through Miami, then Dallas. First his flight was delayed several hours out of Peru (after a 4 hour car ride to the airport), so he missed his connection to Miami. The airline re-routed him to arrive in Little Rock, instead of XNA. That flight was delayed and then, at the last minute, they canceled his flight from Dallas to Little Rock. Therefore, he drove the 5 hours from Dallas to Little Rock, arriving just before midnight, having now been traveling for over 24 hours. What an ordeal!
We came to Little Rock for the Lewis family reunion. The Lewis's have been good friends of my family for over 20 years, and I grew up with their daughter, Suzanne. We are exactly 6 months apart in age and, get this, we had our sons on the EXACT SAME DAY. Wild!
We stayed with Tita and Grandpa. Monday, Dunning turned 5 months old. Yes, that's spit up on Mikel's shirt...
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