Maddy Beggin'

Picture #1 Picture #2

Mikel's Truck o' Mulch

Woo Pigs!

Mikel and "Chicken Wing"

Picture #3

Picture #4 (Crazy baby hair picture)

Dunning has been laughing and talking up a storm this weekend. We took him to Wal-Mart and Sam's Club to look at plants and to the Got Rock? place to get mulch. We were going to go to Razorfest and dressed accordingly, but our allergies were so bad that we changed our minds. We also dog-sat Lindsey's chihuahua, Maddy, this weekend. Lindsey got Maddy when we lived together in college, after her first dog, Jacks, befell a fate unbeknownst us. I.e., he disappeared when our maintenace guy came to fix the large hole in our ceiling from our leaking toilet. Pobre Jacks. Anyways, Maddy is hilarious and Dunning really enjoyed watching her prance around. Mikel calls her "chicken wing" because she looks a little like something you would find in a bucket of boneless buffalo wings, minus the sauce.
Picture #5
We are doing more landscaping in our front yard this week, as Mikel is home all week on vacation. We are also going to stain the deck. Fun vacation!! Bridget and Jim go to Vegas, we stain the deck! :)
Dunning will be dedicated on Mother's Day and I need help picking out a picture to be shown at church. Post your vote for any of the above or past pics between now and Monday please!!
I vote for crazy hair baby first then the first pic second...
I vote for the last pic. He looks really cute and looks like a little man. Thanks for taking such good care of Maddie. It looks like she had a great time! Tell Mikel to have fun working on all those projects this week.
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