Today is my birthday and it was not the best day...I got to have lunch with my friends from my old job, which was really nice. However, we did it in a restaurant, Gusano's again, my favorite, and the place does not have a diaper changing station. And of course, Dunning had to do his business again (must be something about the place). The floor of the women's restroom was flithly, so I thought I would change him later at Aunt Stephy's office, but Aunt Stephy was busy... We then had to go to the DMV to renew my license (what every girl wants to do on her birthday) and I thought we'd just do that real quick, then go home. Well, apparently the DMV has not stepped in to the 21st Century yet, because they don't accept debit cards and I had no cash or check book on me. SOOOO, we tried to go home and I flaked out and went South on the highway instead of North. Finally, we decided to go to a friend's house real quick to change and nurse. Where he promptly threw up on her couch.
We eventually got to the DMV after a quick run to the ATM and I actually took a good picture. Dunning was really fussy when we got home, turns out he had two more nice diapers. Then he was all smiles!
He is still sleeping 10-12 hours with one feeding at night, which is super, but I can't seem to sleep very well with the crappy monitor we have that sounds like a TV on the fritz. So the past three nights have not been very great for me.
It was so hard seeing all my work friends today. Giving them up was hard, they are such a great bunch of people. But it's good to know they'll invite me to lunch, baby showers and girls nights.
Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. I need to go to Wal-Mart for groceries and come up with a plan to start working out 3 times a week. We have officially hit the weight loss plateau from nursing and will have to lose the last 10 pounds the good ol' fashion way - by sweating! Guess I shouldn't have had those three slices of pizza today.....
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