Mom and Dad came down from Ft. Smith for Easter and Dunning was really good for them, blowing bubbles and raspberries with his lips, cooing and smiling. He also wore his new rocker shoes to church. They are blue and brown leather with brown flaming guitars! God rocks! (Mikel picked these out!) Dunning and Mikel chilled out while they watched the Arkansas/North Carolina game (We lost). Dunning was tired from all the playtime with Nana and Pawpaw.
Dunning hasn't been sleeping the best the past few days. Starting Friday he broke his 10-12 hour streak with only one feeding. He has now been getting up 2-3 times a night. I try to only feed him 1-2 times though for 10-15 minutes. It may be because I have started putting him down for a morning and afternoon nap so that he is not quite so fussy at night. He still goes down easy for the evening, but waking up later. May be a growth spurt - who knows! Let's hope it's not a trend.
We went grocery shopping today and have been pretty lazy because I am so tired. I worked in the garden yesterday and got it ready for planting. I planted my seeds in the seed trays and planted my snap pea seeds in the garden. It was all a lot of hard work because the garden pretty much got abandoned when I entered my second trimester last summer. I had to clean it up, break up all the soil and distribute it throughout the garden. Needless to say I am very sore today.