We had just arrived and were still fresh and hopeful.

Some where off to the right, behind that bush, is an elephant.

Big cat.

I don't know how my son knows what an otter is, but that is what he thinks this creature is. And for those of you paying attention, it's a ground hog. But otter is just easier for a 2 year old to say. So, an otter it is.

Our "conductor" had a rockin' 'stache. I wish he would have turned around so I could have captured it on film. Like bushy, handle bar, Opry house 'stache.

D was exhausted - but not enough so that we were missing the train ride. He was estatic and it made the day. He was a trooper all day long.

Since he only slept 30 minutes on the way home, we rewarded ourselves with A&W ice cream. And the sugar high kept him from being too cranky when we got home.

D and I went to the zoo on Friday, on a rare day off from work. It was hot and crowded, since it was the Friday before Memorial Day, but we had fun. Other than the sun screen in his eyes part. And the waiting 20 minutes for the train ride part. And the crappy zoo food part because I failed to pack lunches because we had no food in the house because I spent too much money on shoes part.... But it was all part of being a family unit (minus dad who was traveling) - being hot, sticky, dirty, and in small spaces with other hot, sticky, dirty people. But at least I had good friends to do it with. And my baby boy!