Sorry it's been so long since I've posted. Lots going on. D is getting big and I turned 30! Work, family and friends are keeping us very busy, not to mention the house is up for sale again. We've had a lot of good showings on it and are hoping for a good offer. Still running a lot. Completed the Bentonville Half, which was a really hard course, in just under 2 hours. Just about all of the Hancock family is running now, which is really cool. We get to do races together and recently, me, Mikel, his brother Jim and their dad Floyd completed the Little Rock team marathon relay on Floyd's 60th birthday. I've been taking a hot yoga course at Clubhaus in Fayetteville, which I love. Mikel's back at Sam's Club and couldn't be happier (go buy some produce at Sam's!!!) and I still love my job, even on bad days.
Please enjoy the following smattering of pictures from the past four months and I promise to try and get better at posting more regularly!

Partner's yoga

Messing around

D being funny, taking off his pants

Eskimo kisses


Kid likes being naked, what can ya say? Hope I don't get in trouble for posting this!

Birthday present fit for a Queen.

Mikel and Bridget threw a great party!

A cake with a shoe on it...Mikel knows me way too well.

After the Marathon relay.