I haven't blogged in so long I almost forgot my password to sign in...
It's been quite a transition going back to work. The work part wasn't hard to adapt to. It was like turning a switch back on. Plus, I like my job and my boss. He's really nice. But it has been hard finding enough hours in the day to get everything done. Community group is on Monday, then I have my mom's club friends, non-mom's club friends, working out, volunteer projects, my garden, house to clean, meals to cook and church. Somewhere in there I have to find time for Dunning, Mikel...and me! So I am still adjusting. (speaking of, I need to iron my clothes shortly!)
Good news...Dunning's ears have improved significantly and once those molars broke through, he's been in such a wonderful mood! He's adapted nicely to day care. They said he was like a new kid after his ears healed! He's talking SO much more now. He will be 17 months on the 26th and I can't believe it! Here are some things he's doing lately:
- Pointing. He points at everything that he wants or that he wants to call out - "hey look! It's mom!" or "A dog! Look guys, a dog!"
- Talking. He was babbling before tubes, but now he carries on a toddler monologue. He can say dog, no, shhhhh (complete with finger to mouth), da da, woofs like a dog, and I swear he told the dog to sit.
- Kid likes Velveeta. Sigh... Kid likes veggie burgers! Hooray!
- He loves his ball. We got him a $1 ball from Walmart and his favorite thing to do is carry it around and throw it or bring it to you for you to throw so he can go get it. Kind of like fetch with a toddler.
- He loves Charlie. Don't know if the feeling is mutual because D likes to hit him on the head.
- And the biggest change (in mom's opinion) - he eats at the table like a big boy. We bought him a little wooden table and chair set and he loves sitting there and eating his meals off a big boy plate (still working on the fork and spoon). He does it at day care. Now he sits there all the time. He likes to read books there, have snacks there, stand up on the chair and turn the lights off and on.... It's too cute (except for the lights part). Mikel sanded it down and stained it to match the cabinets, so it's been in the garage today and he was missing it.