Saturday we went to Bikes, Blues and BBQ! I wanted to go to get out of the house. Mikel had been in Mexico since Sunday, so I was really needing some fresh air and some time where I was not the only parent in the house! The last time I went to BBBBQ, it was in college and people weren't getting stabbed at ZZ Top concerts. For those of you who aren't local, Bikes, Blues and BBQ is a motorcycle rally held in Fayetteville on Dickson Street. It has grown to the 2nd largest bike rally (after Sturgis) and 1st largest charitable bike rally (not sure which charity - bikers who need to shower maybe? We saw plenty of those!) Last year, ZZ Top performed at one of the clubs and some guy got stabbed outside of the club. Kinda scary. But this year went off without incident. The year that I went, we went at night and it was much colder, so we didn't stay long. That and there is just SO many people there, it's not really much fun to me. I'm not a big crowd type of girl. I get nervous about losing who I am with and all I can concentrate on is getting from point A to point B without getting trampled. So back to this year. We went and manuevered D's jogging stroller down Dickson, not an easy feat, and ended up in the Walton Arts Center parking lot, where most of the BBQ vendors were stationed. It was lunch and we were hungry. It was also hot that day. It had been warm most of that week, but that day it was almost 90 degrees. As we pulled in to the parking lot, a girl I went to Shiloh with, Jaime, spotted us and snapped a "party pic" for her dad's Web site - http://www.razorbraces.com/. She does Smile Pix through the site and they were doing promotional pictures. So that is where this pic comes from! She kept telling us to "crouch down" so she could get D in the pic too. So after that, we found a line for BBQ and stood in it. But we looked around and there was no place to sit and actually eat - except for the street curb and I wasn't down with that. So after about 15 minutes of sweating and poor D's face turning red, we left. We ended up at Buffalo Wild Wings with Gracie and Mike for the start of the Razorbacks game. When we got home though, D wouldn't take his afternoon nap and slept horrible that night. Despite that, it was nice to get out of the house and I was just so glad to have my husband home!